Shipyards at Lower Lonsdale
Over 85,000 square feet of commercial and community amenity space. The Shipyards features restaurants, cafes, shops and services, a boutique hotel, space for community events, concerts and markets.
Over 85,000 square feet of commercial and community amenity space. The Shipyards features restaurants, cafes, shops and services, a boutique hotel, space for community events, concerts and markets.
A unique project with an aggressive schedule, this project is a central community destination in Lower Lonsdale and won top honours from the BC Economic Development Association.
Cardinal Engineering provided the fire protection engineering services for all buildings including over 85,000 square feet of commercial and community amenity space including the Executive hotel, Joey’s Restaurant, and the largest covered outdoor ice rink in the region.
Thousands of people congregate or move through these spaces daily and can do so with safety and ease of mind for the best fire protection is in place and can only be noticed by the keen and knowing eye. Our work is seamless and integrated into the design of the structures we work to protect.
We know we have done our job well when our systems we design to be put in place never have to be used and are not even noticed by the general public. This project exemplifies our seamless design across several different types of occupancies and conditions.